Be inspired by Tricia...

Be inspired by Tricia...

The first thing you notice about Tricia is her luminescent blue eyes, but look deeper because there’s much more to the person behind those eyes.

She is a dear friend, even though we’ve known each other for only a few years.  Tricia’s one of those friends you can call anytime and she’s there to offer a listening ear or hand when you need it.

  She’s fun-loving and fun! When someone mentions an activity that’s risky or scary, she’s the first to say, “I’ll try it!”.  And, she’s quite the card player.  Tricia’s the only person I know who carries a deck of cards with her in her purse. At any given moment, she’ll whip out her cards and start up a game.

That’s Tricia today.  But it took years and hard work to get to this place.

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Our youngest contributor, Mackenzie...

Our youngest contributor, Mackenzie...

I may not have known her as many years as some of the other women who shared their story in our book, ‘The Path That Beckons’, but she’s the only one I can say I’ve known her entire life.  I’m pleased and proud to introduce you to our youngest contributor --  10 year old Mackenzie!

I am blessed with amazing grandchildren and I love and cherish them all.  Of those little loveys, Mackenzie is the oldest and the one who first gave me my title of Grandmother, or Grammy as I am called.

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Reconnecting with Terri...

Reconnecting with Terri...

Terri and I go way back.  Clear back to high school.  And without saying exactly how many years that was, trust me when I say it was a long time ago.

I wouldn’t say we were best friends, but we were friends.  We ran in the same circles and participated in many of the same activities in high school.  Our parents became friends after we graduated and the four of them spent a good deal of time together.

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Meet Becky...

Meet Becky...

It was at the Amara Restaurant where I first met Becky.  Back when our Sisters on Purpose-Arizona group was still a MeetUp, this casual place was selected for its comfy leather sofas and chairs providing an intimate setting for women to get to know each other over appetizers and drinks.

I’d received RSVP’s from about twelve women, many of them being first-timers and Becky was one of those first time attendees.  As she entered the restaurant, I walked up to greet her and help her feel welcome.  I recognized her face from her profile picture but her hair was different.  I will never forget our first exchange which told me so much about her and her amazing spirit.

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